Extract from the Carlton 'Gaelic' International News Letter 1962. ...Talking of Juvenile grades, although the young lady is now a teenager, we ought to record a climax in the career of Jennifer R. Mellor who got her new Carlton Gaelic drum just in time for the Cowal Games. Jennifer has played Carlton with the Rose Fletcher Pipe Band for seven years, since she was ten years of age and this year at Cowal was again a member of the Rose Fletcher Drum Corps which secured 1st place for drumming, 'a feat never before accomplished by any ladies' band outside of Scotland'.
Extracts from the News Sheet of the North West England Branch 1962. The first annual Miniature Band Contest, which was held at St. Edmund's Hall, Little Hulton, on March 31st. Eight bands in all took part. Despite their late arrival everyone was indebted to P/M Wm Sloan BEM, the Honorary Secretary of the Scottish Pipe Band Association. The Judges were P/M J.K.MacAllister and D/M A.Duthart, both of Shotts. The cup-winners were Mount Carmel 'B' with 73 ¼ pts, followed by Rose Fletcher 'A' with 71 pts and Mount Carmel 'A' 3rd with 68 ¼ pts. To conclude a victorious evening for the Mount Carmel Band they won the Drumming and also the 1st prize in the Novelty Contest. P/M Walter McMinn is to be congratulated on his Band's success. Now the yard stick has been set. It is to be hoped all the bands will accept the challenge and, to quote P/M MacAllister, go all out to win the Grade 3 competition in the very near future. This would give the Branch its biggest possible boost.
Footnote: The significance of this particular extract is that the 'Novelty Contest' mentioned here was the world's first ever Medley competition. The idea was very quickly taken up by Branches and Associations all over the world.
Another record that day was created by a mother and three daughters who played in one of the Miniature Sets. This of course refers to P/M Rose Fletcher, daughters Pauline and Janet, also on pipes, and Leading Drummer Jennifer. Certainly the Rose Fletcher Ladies' Pipe Band is one big happy family. The girls treat the P/M as a second mother. Often people get confused at the number of members who call her 'Mum'. No doubt the laughter would be heard from Burns' Night to Hogmanay if members of other Bands called their P/M 'Dad'.

Footnote: 43 years after this newsletter was printed Rose is still attending our branch contests today. Her interest and zeal for piping is as keen as ever. In 2001, at the Glenfiddich Championship at Blair Castle, she was presented with the Balvenie Medal in recognition of her 'services to piping'.
Chorley Band have just made their annual Easter trip to spend the weekend with Lohore & District Pipe Band in Fife. A party of 30 went. A social evening and a practice session were the highlights of the trip.
Have you placed your order for a copy of the 'Pipe Band' Magazine. It will be delivered bi-monthly to your home address at a cost of 7/- for six issues. The magazine provides an interesting link between pipers, drummers and all thse interested in Pipe Bands at home and abroad. Printed and Published by D.P. Auld, 1 Claremont Drive, Widnes, Lancs.
In February Pauline Mellor from Rose Fletcher Band and Owen Nash from St. Sebastian's Band got married in Manchester - both very well known pipers. So it was no surprise to hear the 'Highland Wedding' being played by members of the Rose Fletcher Band.
Congleton Games on June 9th was the first trial contest of the Branch on its own. If it's true to say that ' more can be learned from mistakes than from perfection' then the event was worth while. Mount Carmel finished undefeated as No. 1 with Prince Charles Edward 2nd. The No.2 contest was won by Little Hulton Pipe Band and the Drum Major R. Bentley from Prince Charles Edward's won the Drum Major's prize. St Mary's Girls Pipe Band from Failsworth wish to thank all the members of the Branch who assisted this Band when they had the upset and worry of vandalism on May 26th. This incident was reported to two National Sunday Newspapers. I'm told Mr Cooney their tutor has high hopes of the band entering the contest field next season.
The enterprising Chorley Band have fixed the date for their full band contest - May 12th, Victory Park, Duke Street, Chorley. Please note the date.
P/M Alex McQueen has the right idea to keep the practice going during the winter months. The Clan MacLeod Pipers on Dec 9th had an Inter-Band Solo competition on a handicap basis. None other than P/M John McLellan, Edinburgh Castle, and P/M Evan MacRae, Liverpool Scottish, were the judges. The founder of the band, P/M Angus MacLeod, presented silver cups to 1st D. Stewart and 2nd M. Edge. To everyone's delight P/M MacLellan concluded the evening with a selection.
Warrington Pipe Band, after a succesful engagement season, have purchased 18 new kilts and plaids. The new tartan: 'Ancient Cameron'.
I'm happy to welcome the 'White Hackle' Pipe Band from Rochdale as new members to the branch. The band wear the MacGregor tartan and are led by Pipe Major W.M. Blair. Making it No.16 in the Branch is the St Annes Pipe Band from Ancoats, Manchester. Pipe Major John Riley is in charge and the band wears the Ancient Buchanan tartan.
The Chorley Games were undoubtedly the highlight of the Band Contests this summer, largely due to the hard-working Chorley folk who spared nothing to make it a success. Mount Carmel Band were worthy winners with 90 ½ pts, Warrington 2nd with 86 ½ pts and Prince Charles Edward's 3rd with 85 pts. Best Drum Corps was St George's C/L/B/ Chorley with 23 ⅔ pts. The No.2 contest (March only) which should becomne a popular event next year was won by Rose Fletcher 'B' Manchester with 85 pts. White Hackle (Rochdale) were 2nd with 81 ¾ pts, St Andrew's (Stockport) 3rd with 80 ¼ pts. Best Drum Corps was St Andrews with 20 ¾ pts.
Lochan Side Pipe Band (P/M John Dodds), which was formed only 18 months ago, turned out to their first engagement in 'civvies' after a hard time teaching newcomers from scratch. They can now turn out 12 Pipers and a full Drum Corps. The band now has full dress, kilts and plaids. Their tartan is the Ancient Hunting McIntyre. It took two winters' hard practice and all the engagements they could get. We congratulate the Band committee and tutors on such a fine job.