(Sat. Feb 16th)
The venue was St Joseph's Primary School, Birkenhead.
 (Click for larger view)
(from left to right): John Teasdale, Brett Shacklady, Dennis Robinson, Gary Shacklady, Andrew Markland, Andrew Paton, Martin Bryan, Richard Brown, Craig Monahan, James White, Peter Doyle, Chris Eyre, Paul Huntridge (Chief Steward), Harry Smith (Assistant Steward). (Missing from the photo-call - Bruce Campbell, Sam MacDonald, James Dillon, Stephen Kay.)
------------------------- Placings -----------------------
Juvenile 2/4 March |
Adult March Selection |
Hornpipe & Jig |
6/8 March |
2/4 March
Andrew Markland |
2nd |
n/a |
withdrawn |
5th |
Brett Shacklady |
1st |
n/a |
2nd |
3rd |
6th |
4th |
Craig Monahan |
4th |
n/a |
6th |
7th |
7th |
Sam MacDonald |
5th |
n/a |
John Teasdale |
3rd |
n/a |
1st |
didn't finish |
withdrawn |
Iain MacLeod |
n/a |
5th |
10th |
withdrawn |
Stephen Kay |
n/a |
6th |
Gary Shacklady |
n/a |
1st |
3rd |
5th |
4th |
2nd |
Alan Gagan |
n/a |
withdrawn |
withdrawn |
withdrawn |
withdrawn |
James Dillon |
n/a |
didn't finish |
withdrawn |
withdrawn |
withdrawn |
withdrawn |
Bruce Campbell |
n/a |
7th |
6th |
9th |
9th |
10th |
Chris Eyre |
n/a |
2nd |
7th |
7th |
8th |
11th |
Ken Whittingham |
n/a |
withdrawn |
withdrawn |
Don Bithell |
n/a |
withdrawn |
withdrawn |
withdrawn |
Dennis Robinson |
n/a |
4th |
11th |
12th |
Richard Brown |
n/a |
4th |
4th |
5th |
5th |
Martin Bryan |
n/a |
5th |
2nd |
3rd |
3rd |
Andrew Paton |
n/a |
1st |
1st |
6th |
Peter Doyle |
n/a |
2nd |
1st |
(from left to right)
Ray Prendergast
Branch Vice-Chairman
P/M Linden Ingram
Piping Adjudicator
Keith Wilkinson
Branch Secretary, Treasurer
and National Council Representative.